Before viewing this, you should have completed the libro
de personajes y emociones diferentes.
The two lttile verbs SER and ESTAR
Are as different in meaning as COMER and HABLAR.
To the American they're hard -not easy- to learn,
But get them right and a good grade you will earn.
As you have seen by writing your book,
-Go ahead and give it a good, long look-
You described the character with the verb SER,
You told who he is, what he's like and from where.
On the next page you used the other verb, ESTAR
to tell where he was, and maybe near or far.
You also used it to describe his motions,
And how he was feeling, his states and emotions.
These pages you wrote
reflect the differences between
The verbs SER and ESTAR,
Do you see what I mean?
When you are saying what you are or where you are from,
Use a form of SER, and a good grade
will soon come.
On the other hand you will notice you used the verb ESTAR
To say how you feel, what you're doing, where you are.
So what makes SER and ESTAR
so difficult? Is it as difficult to Spanish people as it is to Americans?
The topic is difficult to Americans because both these verbs translate
into English to mean "to be". So SOY and ESTOY both mean I AM.
Our (that is to say as Americans) brains work from our native language,
English. I don't understand exactly how a brain functions, but I
do realize that in its complexity it has to work from what it knows- English
for us. So when we speak Spanish, until it becomes a true second
language- the "language base" we use is English. Therefore, if we
want to say "I am bored", our brain starts with I AM and chooses either
SOY or ESTOY and adds ABURRIDO. If you are not careful, you will
choose the incorrect word, and in certain situations- besides being wrong-
drastically change the meaning of what you are saying. In fact both
sentences- "Soy aburrido" and "Estoy aburrido" are grammatically correct;
but "Soy aburrido." means "I'm boring." and "Estoy aburrido" is the one
that means "I'm bored." That's why it's so difficult. Don't
worry if you don't get it (or haven't gotten it) right away.
What about the Spanish children? Is it difficult for them?
No. ESTOY and SOY for them are as different as "hablo" and "como".
They learn language by using it, (that's why you
did the project BEFORE doing the lesson- to make it more of a real-life
learning situation) and remember that they are learning their primary
language- they base nothing on English. SOY means SOY and ESTOY means
What are the basic differences?
SER is used, as you have seen, to
express characteristics (or traits or features) about people or things.
Look at these examples:
Juan es alto.
María es famosa.
Los muchachos son cómicos.
SER is also used to identify who or
what people are.
Juan es mi hermano.
María es enfermera.
Los muchachos son católicos.
SER is used to tell where someone (or
something) comes from.
Juan es de México.
María es de aquí.
ESTAR on the other hand is used to
state how someone feels.
Juan está alegre.
María está enojada.
Los muchachos están perplejos.
ESTAR is also used to tell where someone
is at- location, not origin.
Juan está en Los Estados Unidos.
María está aquí en la clase.
Los muchachos están debajo de la mesa.
There are other uses that are specific to each verb. Do the following
lessons at As you READ through each lesson,
take notes on the different uses. Some of the information will be
a repetition of what you already know, but there will also be some new
material, too. Try to understand and learn what you are doing.
As usual, send me your test results for each section.
On a sheet of papel, apunta qué verbo - SER o ESTAR- se debe
usar para expresar las cosas siguientes.
geographic location
material something is made of
physical location
place of origin
political affiliation
progressive tenses ( + gerundio)
state of being
state of mind
where an event is taking place
Go double check your answers.
(recuerda hacer clic en «back» para regresar)
También sugiero que leas la información en Capítulo
2 of your REPASO (páginas 19-21). El libro está
lleno de información práctica que quizás pueda ayudarte
a comprender mejor las diferencias entre ser y estar. Al terminar
de repasar la lectura, repasa los ejercicios que siguen.
Unas actividades más. Lee las oraciones siguientes y trata
de comprender lo que quieren decir.
¿Qué quieren decir?
Mi amigo es bueno.
Mi amiga está buena.
Arturo es pálido.
Rosa está pálida.
Los chicos están listos para salir.
Las muchachas son listas.
El maestro es aburrido.
Los estudiantes están aburridos.
Los colores de la casa son muy vivos.
Con alegría contaron que todos estaban vivos.
El es muy malo.
Ella está muy mala.
Estoy seguro de que esta calle es segura.
Go check your answers
about a little test-like situation? Lee las oraciones siguientes
y complétalas con la forma correcta del verbo correcto- SER o ESTAR.
A menos que sea obvio, emplea el tiempo del presente.
Los soldados .............muy lejos de aquí.
Las alumnas .............trabajando en la clase.
La fiesta .............en la casa de María el jueves por la tarde,
a las siete.
¿.............tú listo para estudiar?
Ayer............. miércoles.
Los vinos que bebimos La Rioja, una provincia en España.
.............necesario salir temprano si queremos llegar antes de que los
otros lleguen.
¡Qué sorpresa tuvo! Todavía ............. pálida.
Su dormitorio finalmente ............. limpio.
Su chaqueta ............. de muchos colores, ¿no?
Ellos ............. ricos antes, pero perdieron casi todo y ahora .............
.............las once y media cuando volvieron.
¡Ayyyy! La sopa ............. fría.
El gazpacho ............. una sopa fría de origen español.
Mi padre ............. ingeniero.
La puerta ............. abierta.
Espero que ella ............. simpática.
Mi casa ............. de madera.
Lo siento. El perro ...............muerto.
Go check your answers
¿Qué verbo?
characteristics SER
condition ESTAR
date SER
day SER
emotion ESTAR
features SER
feeling ESTAR
geographic location ESTAR
material something is made of SER
nationality SER
occupation SER
physical location ESTAR
place of origin SER
political affiliation SER
possession SER
progressive tenses ( + gerundio) ESTAR
qualities SER
relationships SER
religion SER
state of being ESTAR
state of mind ESTAR
time SER
where an event is taking place SER
Respuestas para ¿Qué
quieren decir?:
Mi friend is a good person.
Mi friend is well.
Arturo is pale-complexioned.
Rosa seems pale.
The boys are ready to go.
The girls are wise (clever).
The teacher is boring.
The students are bored.
The colors of the house are very lively.
With joy they said that all the passengers were alive.
He is a very bad person.
She is feeling very poorly.
I am sure that this road is safe.
Respuestas para ¿SER
eran, son