Possessive Adjectives
and Pronouns
Yours, mine and
ours. That's what this lesson is all about. Back in you early
yeas of studying Spanish you learned "mi" and "tu" an maybe "su".
Then you learned "mis", "tus" "sus". Perhaps you even learned "nuestro,
nuestra, nuestros and nuestras". Maybe not. This will start
at the beginning and will be review at first. Review as needed and
learn as you get to new material.
simple forms of
mis, mis
your (familiar, singular= tú)
tu, tus
his, her, your (formal, singular or plural = Ud.,
Uds.), their
su, sus
nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
your (familiar, plural = vosotros)
vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras
you can see, most of these have only two forms, and agree in number with
the noun they are describing- not the owner!!!!
So his book= su
libro; their book = su libro; his books = sus libros; their books= sus
The words for our
and your [vosotros] have four forms and must agree in number and gender
with the noun they are describing- again- not the owner.
nuestro coche, nuestra
casa, nuestros discos, nuestras sillas.
So how do you know
what is being said when someone uses "su" or "sus"? It has so many
meanings. Hopefully the conversation will determine the meaning.
Ellos no trajeron sus libros hoy. =
They didn't bring their books today. In
fact, instead of saying "su", quite often an expression using "de + the
owner" is often used for clarification. So, if you want to say "his
book", you could say "su libro"; but that has many potential meanings,
¿no? So, if you need to clarify, say " el libro de él".
(Note: " de + él" does not contract to del.)
Review this
information and do a lesson at StudySpanish.com.
Send me your test results.
that in Spanish there is no apostrophe, so if you want to state possession
by saying, for example, "John's book", you would say "el libro de Juan". |
"Long Form" and Pronouns, and other related stuff
Besides being able
to express possession using the basic adjectives you reviewed above, there
is a "long form" of the possessive adjective, which can also be used as
a pronoun- more about that in a momento. Each of these as you will
see has four forms, so they must agree in number and gender with the noun
they are modifying, you guessed it- not the owner!
el....(coche) mío, la...(casa) mía, los...(libros) míos,
las...(tijeras) mías
YOUR (familiar, singular=
tú)= el...tuyo, la...tuya, los...tuyos,
(formal, singular or plural = Ud., Uds.)=
el ...suyo, la ...suya, los...suyos, las...suyas
el...nuestro, la...nuestra, los...nuestros, las...nuestras
YOUR (familiar plural=
vosotros) = el ...vuestro, la...vuestra, los...vuestros,
So, the expression
"mi hermana" can also be expressed as "la hermana mía". Likewise,
"nuestros libros" can be expressed as "los libros nuestros". There
is really no change in meaning, but the long form is more poetic, isn't
it? Notice here that the possessive adjective comes after the
noun. This is unusual for limiting adjectives, ¿verdad?
Just para practicar...
Change these possessive
expressions from the short to the long form.
mi primo
su alegría
nuestro amor
tus vicios
sus deudas
mis caballos
tus ideas
nuestras pinturas
su programa
mi mano
tu libertad
mi agua * ¡buena
suerte con ésta!
see how you did.
The long form
of the adjective is also the pronoun, but you leave out the noun.
So "mine" is el mío, la mía, los míos or las mías.
And so on for all the others. Let's look at how this might be used.
You get to class and you did your homework. You ask your friend if
she did hers. Here is how the conversación goes:
Yo hice
mi tarea. ¿Hiciste la tuya? > Sí, hice la
mía antes de las clases hoy. Do
you see how "la tuya" replaced "tu tarea" and therefore is a pronoun?
Same with "la mía"?
You can try some of
these yourself, just follow the clues. The possessor will be based
on the verb form, and the pronoun will replace the noun mentioned in the
first clause.
No tengo mis libros. ¿Tienes..........................?
Me olvidé mi
cuaderno. ¿Tienes.............................?
Juan condujo su coche
hoy. Yo conduje.........................................
Ellos no trajeron
sus discos. Tenemos .........................................
Vimos nuestras pinturas.
Acabé con mis
quehaceres. Ella no acabó con....................................
what you know.
a few other things...
When the pronoun follows
the verb "ser", the article (el, la,los or las) nis dropped. ejemplos:
¿De quién es el coche? Es mío.
El cuaderno es nuestro. Aquellos libros son suyos, etc.
Just as the long form
of the adjective omitted the noun in order to make the pronoun, we can
also do this to form pronouns relating to specific people.
Tengo mi libro y también el de Juan.
I have my book and also John's.
Tengo mis llaves y las de Ud.
I have my keys and yours.
¿Dónde están los amigos de Rafael y los de Elena?
Where are Rafael's friends and [also] Elena's?
For expressing "whose?",
use De quién + ser. For example: Whose
book is it? = ¿De
quién es el libro? Whose
shoes are they? ¿De quién
son los zapatos? * Note that "ser" is conjugated
to the item.
The relative pronoun
"whose" ( The boy whose sister is in my class.....) is expressed
by cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas. See the page on Relative Pronouns for
further explanation.
that you have a chance to gather all this information, ¡Hay que
practicarla! Anda
a la página de StudySpanish.com and do the activities for possessive
pronouns. Of course you should send me your test results!
primo mío, la alegría suya, el amor nuestro, los vicios tuyos,
las deudas suyas, los caballos míos, las ideas suyas, las pinturas
nuestras, el programa suyo (did ou remember the "ma,pa,ta" rule?) la mano
mía, la libertad tuya, el agua mía (did you get this one?
Do you understand it? If not, ask your profesor.)
tuyo, el mío, los nuestros, las tuyas, los suyos