Imagine you
were going to travel to Spanish speaking country. Where might you
go? What sorts of activities would you do? Therefore, what
clothing might you bring?
If you could
have only five articles of clothing, what would you have?
Imagine you
had a pen-pal from a South American country who was coming to spend some
time with you. In a letter you have to tell her/him in
Spanish what
to pack in terms of clothes. Can you do it? Hopefully after
this unit you will be able to.
Printing this page would take an enormous amount of paper and ink.
So if you want to see something in print, copy and paste it into a document,
then print.
Review the following
list of vocabulary. Write it down if you haven't yet.
el abrigocoat,
blue jeansdungarees,
blusa blouse, los
bolsillos pockets, las
botas boots, la
bufanda scarf, los
calcetines socks, la
camisa shirt, la
camiseta T-shirt, la
chaqueta jacket, el
cinturón belt,
corbata tie, los
cortos shorts, la
falda skirt, la
gorra cap, los
guantes gloves, el
impermeable raincoat,
jerseyjersey, sweatshirt,
medios stockings, los
pantalones pants, los
pantalones cortos shorts,
playera T-shirt, tank top,
ropa interior underwear,
sandalias sandals, el
sombrero hat, el
suéter sweater,
tejanos dunagrees, el
traje suit, el
traje de baño bathing suit,
vestido dress, las
zapatillas slippers,
zapatos shoes, los
zapatos de tenis sneakers
Now look
back to the questions that started this page. Answer them using the
vocabulary from above.
Where would you go?
What activities would you do? What would you pack?
What five articles would
you have?
What would you tell your
pen-pal to bring?
Now see if you know what
the following items are. If you are just starting this unit, click
on the items and repeat the words to learn them. If you are experienced
with this vocabulary, quiz yourself to see how much you know. Look
at the picture, name the item, then click on it to see if you are correct.

will learn this vocabulary best if you use it, so here's the chance to
do so. Your work may or may not be checked, but if you are doing
the activities with the intent of learning, you probably will!
the following questions using as much vocabulary as possible. Use
the verb "llevo",
which means "I wear".
llevas a la escuela?
llevas a una fiesta?
llevas a un concierto?
llevas al teatro?
llevas a una boda (wedding)?
llevas a esquiar?
llevas a la playa?
these also. Think of situations when you wear these items.
If you do not wear the item, explain why you don't.
llevas los zapatos de tenis?
llevas un traje de baño?
llevas un abrigo?
llevas un traje o un vestido?
llevas los tejanos?
llevas los cortos?
llevas una camisa de manga (sleeve)
llevas guantes?
llevas una playera?
llevas una gorra o un sombrero?
llevas botas?
clothing-related vocabulary you should know
Note that
these words/expressions are used after the item. For example:
"high-heeled shoes" are zapatos de tacón alto. A cotton shirt
is "una camisa de algodón". This follows the regular
Spanish pattern of providing the descriptive words (adjectives) after the
designs (diseño):
un solo color (solid color), de muchos colores
(lots of colors), a rayas (striped), a
cuadros (squares, plaid),
de florectitas (with
little flowers), de bolitas (polka-dots), estampada
(different designs) de manga larga/corta (long/short
de tacón alto (high heeled)
(la tela): de.. algodón
(cotton), lana (wool), seda (silk),
(linen), cuero (leather),
(fur), terciopelo(velvet),
(corduroy), nilón (nylon), poliéster(polyester),
(plastic), goma/caucho
Practice this vocabulary by describing in
detail the items of clothing you are wearing, and/or a special outfit
you wore (or are going to wear) to a special event. Put together
a series of pictures of yourself and describe what you are wearing in each.
Vary the pictures - and therefore the descriptions- as much as possible.
State the following en español:
a striped shirt
a cotton skirt
a colorful cap
leather underwear
polkadot pants
corduroy tank top
what you wrote
Look at the items picture above, and describe:
(Guess at the material if you have to.)
la bufanda
el vestido
los zapatos
el suéter
la blusa
After reviewing the vocabulary, you should be able to tell:
what you wear in certain situations,
what you might give people as clothing presents,
and what you might bring on a trip to a Spanish
speaking country.
Techie Project:
Put together an "on line" fashion show/clothing catalogue- PowerPoint
or Real SlideShow. Find and import pictures from the Internet or
scan them in. Write the text including item,design,material, and
the use for the outfit. Es perfecto para (una excursión a
la playa, al circo, al teatro, etc.). Create a fashion show in which
you use all the vocabulary you possibly can.
En la ropería
cliente vocab is violeta,
dependiente is negro
¿En qué puedo servirle?
> Busco (Necesito, Deseo, Quiero, Quisiera) [un suéter].
How can I help
you?.... I'm looking for (I need, want, would like) [a sweater].
¿Qué talla usa (lleva)
Ud.? > Uso (Llevo) talla [cincuenta].
What size do you wear?
> I wear size [50].
¿Quiere Ud. probarse [ese
suéter]? > Sí, quiero probármelo.
/ No, puede mostrarme otro.
Do you want to try on
[that sweater]? > Yes, I want to try it on. / No.
Can you show me anther?
¿Le queda (sienta) bien?
> Sí, me queda (sienta) bien. / No,
me queda (sienta) un poco....
Does it fit you well?
> Yes, it fits me well. No, it's a little...
grande /chico
¿Le gusta a Ud. [este vestido]?
> Sí, me gusta. Es lindo (bonito,
elegante, perfecto, etc.) / No, no me gusta. Es feo.
Do you like [this dress]?
> Yes, I like it. It's beautiful (pretty, elegant, perfect,
etc.) / No, I don't like it. It's ugly.
cuesta? (¿Cuál es el precio?) Cuesta solamente
[doscientos pesos].
How much does it cost?
(What is the price?) > It only costs (200 pesos).
Es una ganga.
It's (What a) bargain.
Es muy barato.
It's very cheap (inexpensive).
Es muy caro.
It's very expensive.
una fortuna!
That costs a fortune!
un ojo de la cara!
That costs an eye from
my face (= an arm and a leg)!
Now get together with
a partner and create some dialogues. Take turns playing the roles
of dependiente and cliente, and really practice these expressions.
Follow these guides. Create dialogues so that you play the role of
cliente and dependiente, just for practice.
Go to buy a nice looking
outfit for a formal dance. Have something fit too small.
Go buy something for a
trip to Cancún. Be picky about the colors and styles.
Have something not fit well.
Go buy something for the
coming school year. Make sure something doesn't fit.
Go do your shopping for
the summer. Of course things don't fit well.
Imagine you are going
on a winter skiing excursion in Argentina. Buy what you need, and
make sure items don't fit.
Go do a virtual visit to some Spanish speaking
countries. (Go surf with a purpose.) Just tour around and look at pictures
of people and make notes of what they are wearing. Do one of the
"Travel around a country"
and compare the clothing these people wear with the clothes you wear.
Explain why you think they are the same, or why you think they are different.
Prepare a visual to accompany an oral presentation to the class about your
Travel all around Spanish
speaking countries and look at how the clothing varies from country to
country or region to region. Explain why the differences/similarities
exist. Again, prepare a report with visuals for the class.
Research a particular
country's traditional costume. Find pictures and present a detailed
report about it- what it is and all its component, its origins, its uses,
to other vocabularies for clothes at studyspanish.com. There are
interactive activities on these pages, so it's worth doing if you want
to practice more and learn.
striped shirt = una camisa a rayas
a cotton skirt = una
falda de algodón
a colorful cap = una
gorra de muchos colores
leather underwear = ropa
interior de cuero
polkadot pants = pantalones
de bolitas
corduroy tank top = playera
de pano
Picture answers
y gorra
corbata, camisa blanca
de baño
de tenis