be able to do both after this section.
Put this vocabulary in your
notebook. If you are not sure exactly what a picture represents,
look it up! Make flashcards and do the regular flashcard activities.
Una sugestión: Draw a picture of a human body and practice naming the parts until you master the vocabulary.
Do one
of the following: (or both if you really want to learn!)
There are
some good "body" songs in English that can be sung also in Spanish.
You probably laready know the tunes,. so all you have to do now is learn
the new lyrics.
(Sung to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes") Don't forget the actions of the song- use both hands to touch the body parts as you sing. Cabeza,
hombros piernas pies, piernas, pies.
(Sung to the "Hokey- Pokey") Sing and dance as you are supposed to, and you can put in your own body parts. The only thihg you can't do in the Spanish version is declare right or left. Notice that muévela" is used with a "la" word, and "muévelo" is used with an "el" word. Pon
la mano adentro,
el pie adentro,
Add your own verses- la nariz, el estómago, la cara, el ojo, el codo, etc. |
(Sung to "Them bones" [The hip bone's connected to the leg bone, etc.]) As you
sing this, point to the body part. When you sing the "Esto es el
cuerpo mío", stand up tall and spread your arms as if you were showing
everyone how proud you are of yourself.
La cabeza
va al cuello.
brazos tienen los codos.
manos tienen pulgares.
hombros van a ltronco.
vamos a la espalda.
piernas tienen rodillas.
Vocabulary check: Use the following pictures to quiz yourself. To practice a useful phrase, which you are about to study shortly, say "Me duele" (...hurts[me]) before naming the body part. (Me duele la cabeza= My head hurts.) Click on the picture to check with the pictures above to see if you are correct. (The answer will be the word at the top of the page.)
to study, practice, learn more vocabulary
Now it's time to use this vocabulary in a setting that might some day be real for you. Imagine you are in a Spanish-speaking country and become ill or have an accident. You have to communicate your ills to the doctor. (Actually this happened to a student of mine years ago on a trip to Mexico. I was not allowed to be with him in the doctor's office, but he did very well communicating with the docotr at the clinic all on his own.)
The following
are some expressions which you should know and understand as well as be
able to use.
What the médico/médica might ask
What you might say
Now create some dialogues in which you get to play the role of patient (accident and illness) and doctor. Hopefully you'll never have to actually use thiws vocabulary, but it would be better to be prepared in case it ever were necessary.
has a pretty good section for «cuidado
médico». Go check it out!
Now you should have a good handle on body parts, and expressing some medical concerns.