¿Cómo es tu casa?
¿De qué color es tu casa?
To further describe these words, you can use the following:
muy =
= a little
Now you
can describe your house- size, style, age, appearance and color. ...So
go ahead and do it!
la cocina | kitchen |
el comedor | dining room |
la sala | living room |
la sala de estar | den, family room |
la sala de juegos | game room |
el baño | bathroom |
la alcoba, el dormitorio | bedroom |
la lavandería | laundry room |
el pasillo | hallway |
la escalera | stairway |
el patio | patio |
el porche | porch |
el garaje | garage |
el taller | shed |
la piscina | pool |
la terraza | terrace, deck |
el jardín | garden (also yard, ¿verdad?) |
el ático | attic |
el sótano | basement |
la cancha de tenis | tennis court |
a floor plan of your house, and on a separate sheet of paper describe the
rooms you have on the different floors of your house. Use the following
as necessary to complete the activity- Just list the rooms/areas by floor
at the end of the expressions below.
The following is a partial
list of some of the things you might find in and around your house.
Remember, you can always use a dictionary or other resources to learn more
than what is here.
la cama | bed |
la cómoda | dresser, bureau |
el guardarropas | wardrobe, closet |
el sofá | sofa |
el jacuzzi | hot tub |
la silla | chair |
el sillón | big, stuffed chair |
el piano | piano |
el estéreo | stereo |
la mesa | table |
la mesita | small (end) table |
el escritorio | desk |
la estufa | stove |
el refrigerador, la nevera | refrigerator |
la alfombra | rug, carpet |
la alfombrilla | small rug |
el árbol | tree |
el televisor | TV set |
el video | VCR |
la radio | radio |
el tocadiscos | record/disk player |
la lámpara | lamp |
la computadora, el ordenador | computer |
la chimenea | fireplace, chimney |
el hogar | home, fireplace |
el teléfono | telephone |
el microondas | microwave |
el lavamanos | sink (bathroom) |
el fregadero | sink (kitchen) |
el lavaplatos | dishwasher |
la lavadora | washing machine |
la secadora | dryer |
el retrete, el inodoro | toilet |
la estufa | stove |
la ducha | shower |
la bañera | bathtub |
la ventana | window |
la puerta | door |
As you review this list, you can see that there are a lot of cognates (words similar in appearance and meaning). Why do you think this is? E-mail me your theory.
para practicar: Remember,
vocabulary must be used in order to be learned.
See what you know.
Can you identify the following? Click on the picture to learn, review
or quiz yourself.
items: Go visit these links at studyspanish.com
to practice/learn more vocabulary.
Now that you know the items
in your house, can you tell exactly where they are located? Use the
following prepositions to describe- in detail- your cocina, sala, jardín
and alcoba.
en | in, on |
sobre | on, over |
entre | between |
al lado de | beside, next to |
a la derecha de | to the right of |
a la izquierda de | to the left of |
encima de | on top of |
debajo de | under, below |
delante de | in front of |
detrás de | behind |
cerca de | near |
lejos de | far from |
dentro de | inside |
fuera de | outside of |
en medio de | in the middle of |
As you compose your descriptions,
you can use one of two words- or both- to describe where items are.
First, you can use "Hay" (= There is or There are); or you can use "está(n)"
(=is,are - located). Look at how they are used below, and use these
examples as models for your own work.