There are a number of verbs that are "irregular" in the present tense YO form, but are regular in all other forms. (Some of these verbs may, however, be stem-changing, so be careful.)
This may be easier if we study them in categories:
Primero, contesta las preguntas siguientes,
con frases completas:
In your answers, you (should have) used:
vengo. These are all words you are
familiar with, so I hope it was easy. There may be a few new words
on the following list, too. You should write them all down in your
notebook. Note again that all compound verbs are conjugated like
the root verb. So bendecir is conjugated by writing "ben" before
the correct form of "decir".
These verbs end in "GO" in YO.
Let's answer a few questions to practice these verbs. Answer in complete sentences, of course.caer (to fall): caigo, caes, cae, etc.*actually a compound of "satisf" + "hacer"- to make satisfied
decir [e>i] (to say, tell): digo, dices, dice, etc.
hacer (to do, to make): hago, haces, etc.
oír [o> oy] (to hear <with "yo' ear">): oigo, oyes, oye, etc.
poner (to put, place): pongo, pones, pone, etc.
salir (to leave, to go out): salgo, sales, etc.
satisfacer* (to satisfy) satisfago, satisfaces, satisface, etc. tener [e>ie] (to have): tengo, tienes, etc.
traer (to bring): traigo, traes, trae, etc.
valer (to be worth): valgo, vales, vale, etc.
venir (to come): vengo, vienes, viene, etc.
Other common compound verbs: oponer, componer, mantener, detener, convenir, intervenir, atraer, contraer, maldecir, bendecir, obtener, etc. All these verbs are conjugated like their roots.
¿Tienes muchos amigos?
¿Qué traes a la clase de matemáticas?
¿Dices mentiras a tus profesores? Explica.
Mientras tratas de (you try to) dormir, ¿qué oyes?
¿Sales los viernes y los sábados? ¿Con quién?
¿Dónde pones la chaqueta al llegar a la escuela?
¿Caes de vez en cuando? Explica.
¿Cuándo haces la tarea? ¿después de la cena?
Ahora, contesta estas preguntas:
agradecer (to please); aparecer (to appear); crecer (to grow); desaparecer ( to disappear); desobedecer (to disobey); establecer (to establish); introducir (to introduce [but not people, that's "presentar"]); lucir (to shine or show off [Think, "¿luces debajo de las luces?"]); merecer (to deserve); obedecer (to obey); ofrecer (to offer); parecer (to seem); permanecer (to belong); producir (to produce); reducir (to reduce); traducir (to translate) |
This time, complete each sentence with a "ZCO"
verb, trying not to repeat any. Use the YO form for each, and write
the entire sentence in your notebook. (There are multiple correct
answers for some.)
Nunca............... a mis padres. vez en cuando.
.................buenas notas. español al inglés a veces.
No......................... a ningunos clubes académicos.
.....................cuando actúo en el teatro y cuando canto.
...................flores en mi jardín, y vegetales en la huerta.
.................. a los profesores.
.......................un coche rápido.
...................... a muchas personas porque soy popular.
¿Sabes nadar? ¿Sabes la respuesta? ¿Qué sabes hacer? SÉ ... (from "saber" [to know])
en la caja?QUEPO
... (from "caber"
[to fit])
Wait until finishing the unit on "spelling changes" before doing the activities.
¡Hasta luego!