"Quia.com" activities

Click on these links to go to activities I've created at "quia.com".  These are different activities to help you review vocabulary and structure, and to help reinforce what we do in class.

There are different activities for each unit: matching, flashcards, concentration, word searches, etc.  There is also a list of terms available for each section that I suggest you review, possibly even print-out for future reference, before attempting to do the games.  ¡Buena suerte y disfruta!


other structures


AP: Vocabularios

AP: Idiomatic Expressions and Prepositions

quiz sessons

I.    Verbos

Present Tense
Regular Verbs: vocabulary  AR verbs    ER/IR verbs     (review conjugation if necessary)
Present tense stem-changing e>ie - Practice vocab and structure in YO
Present tense stem-changing verbs o>ue - Practice vocab and structure in various forms.
Present tense stem-changing verbs e>i - Practice the meanings and yo forms of these verbs in the present tense.
Stem-Changing verbs - o>ue, e>ie, e>i.  Once you've reviewed, take the quiz.

Stem-Changing verbs:  "strange changes". Take a quiz on verbs with these unusual stem-changes.

Verbos irregulares en yo (presente del indicativo)     After practicing, take a quiz.
Imperfecto: Actividades de la niñez- Imperfect tense and vocabulary for childhood description and activities .  Mi niñez- A hangman activity about what I used to do when I was a kid.

Preterite tense: Eventos memorables de mi niñez: Vocabulary (verb forms) to tell about memorable activities you did sometime in your childhood. inglés > español   tú > yo

Mi niñez: ¿Pretérito o imperfecto?  Take this quiz to see if you have mastered the uses of the imperfect and preterite tenses when talking about activities from your childhood.

Fantasies- Conditional tense (I would...)

Gerundio- Practice forming the gerund, then take a quiz to see if you can always do it correctly.  When ready sign in and take the test named dctest: gerundio

II.    Structures (other than verbs)

Nouns -
Gender ¿el or la?  Can you remember the rules?    Check to see how you can do on this quiz.
Plural of nouns -review the rules before taking the quiz.

 AdvancedAP & Honors 5:  This is where you want to practice after we've covered it all!  Nouns and Article Agreement    Gender Changes:  Nouns designating people and animals change from masculine to feminine.  Pluralization- a final review

Adjectives- Practice putting adjectives in their correct forms and places with this quiz.

Possessive Adjectives:  Review your notes, then take this quiz.

¿Por o Para?  Before doing these activities, review the rules at studyspanish.com.  When you are ready, practice the test here, then sign in and take the session test named: dctest:  por o para

Palabras Interrogativas:  Take this quiz to see how well you can form questions en español.

To be?  Which to be?  Review your uses of ser & estar, as well as the other verbs used to express "to be", then practice a multiple choice test.  When ready, sign in and take the test named: dctest: to be

Palabras interrogativas- practice those words needed to ask and answer questions.  When you are ready, try a quiz.

¿Bueno o bien?  Do you use the correct word?  Try the practice quiz, then sign in and take the session test named: dctest: bueno o bien

III.    Vocabularios

Sentence stretchers:   Practice basic vocabulary that will help you put more meat on your sentences. Places   Times    With Whom?

Personality: Practice this list of words used to describe people.

La naturaleza: Elementos de la naturaleza - Selected vocab from the first chapter of Perspectivas  El tiempo-vocabulario avanzadoActividades en la naturaleza- What do you like to do outside?  Review this vocabulary in the infinitive form.

Fiestas y celebraciones Vocabulary here for the holidays, activities     and things you might use to celebrate.

Animales- learn how to describe animals- physical characterisitics, temprament, habitat, specific body parts and animals themselves

Emociones:  Review vocabulary that is used to talk about how you feel.  ¿Cómo estás?  (Created by Dr. Ladd)

Días y meses

Los números 1-100

El cuerpo humano: Body parts


IV.    Advanced Placement Vocabularies  To accompany the workbook AP Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination by José M. Díaz, Margarita Leicher-Prato and Glenn J. Nadelbach (Addison-Wesley, 1996)
amigos falsos - This collection of indirect and false cognates is important to prevent confusion in communication.  Amigos Falsos 1: ¿Qué quieren decir? - Spanish words that don't mean what you think.  Amigos Falsos 2: Pues, ¿Cómo se dice...?  This is how to really say what you thought the amigos falsos meant.  Once you think you have mastered the vocabulary, try the quiz.

animales (same as above)




cosas en la casa


cereales(¡lista muy corta!)

cuerpo humano

en la escuela



hortalizas y legumbres

insectos, arácnidos y anélidos


metales y minerales


peces y moluscos

profesiones y oficios

en el restaurante

ropa y artículos personales

el tiempo


transportes y viajes

expressions & prepositions
expressions with dar

expressions with echar, haber sacar, volver, caer & cumplir

expressions with hacer

expressions with tener

other useful verbal expressions

expressions with "a"

expressions with 'de"

expressions with "en"

expressions with "por"

other useful expressions

Verbal idioms 1

Verbal idioms 2

Verbal idioms 3

simple prepositions

compound prepositions

V.    Quiz sessions
Some quizzes you must take for a grade- I'll let you know when.  In order to do so, open "quia.com/web" and click on "session log-in".  (Or go directly to: http://www.quia.com/session.html)  Then enter EXACTLY the name of the session (quiz) you will be taking, and sign in your name.
Stem-changing verbs (o>ue, e>ie, e>i): dctest: stem-changing present

Strange Stem-changes: dctest: strange stem changes

irregular YO form verbs:  dctest: irregular YO in present

preterite or imperfect quiz- childhood: test: preterite or imperfect

nouns gender(1): dctest: gender of nouns 1

plural of nouns:dctest: plural of nouns

palabras interrogativas:  dctest: palabras interrogativas

form and placement of adjectives:  dctest: adjectives

Possessive adjectives: dctest: possessive adjectives

"amigos falsos" (indirect or false cognates): dctest: amigos falsos