Mandatos familiares

Telling your friends and family members what (and what not) to do

I thought we already did commands.  What is this?

As you know there are two ways of using the second person in Spanish- formal (Ud./Uds.) and familiar (tú/vosotros).  When we did mandatos formales, we studied commands for Ud. and Uds.  Now we need to look at the commands as if we were talking familiarly- tú y vosotros.

Are they different?

Sí, but relatively easy to remember if studied and practiced.  Unlike the formal commands which had only one form for the affirmatie or negative command, the familiar commands have two forms- one for the affirmative, and another for the negative.  For the most part, you already know the actual words- this will just be a new use of these forms.

We'll start with "tú" commands.  This is the more important of the two categories, because it's the one you will be tested on in AP and SAT II tests.  The vosotros, as you know, is often replaced anyway with Uds.

Let's say you just saw the movie El Rey León.  After Mufasa dies and Simba is alone with him in the canyon, Scar approaches Simba and tells him, "Huye, Simba.  Y nunca regreses."  These are commands,¿verdad?  Scar tells Simba what to do.  But if we look at them we see they are different, one is affirmative- huye - and the other is negative - [nunca] regreses.  What forms of the verbs are these?  Aren't they words you have already seen?

Let's make some syntactical rules. What fun!!! Let's practice for a while.  Imagine you are a parent and your child is not doing things s/he should do.  Write the command as you would tell her/him.

ejemplo:  No está hablando. > ¡Habla!


Ahora, vamos a practicar con mandatos negativos.  This time tell your child not to do what s/he is doing.  Remeber- it's a totally different form.

ejemplo:  Está tirando comida.  > ¡No tires comida!


Verbos irregulares en mandatos afirmativos

There are some verbs, as there almost always are, that are irregular. The good news is that the only irregularities come in affirmative commands.  All negative commands use the subjunctive form- no exceptions.

You reviewed these years ago in a dance unit, see if they are familiar. There is no way but practice and memorization to remember these.

hacer- haz
salir- sal
venir- ven
decir- di
ir- ve*
poner- pon
tener- ten

chiste malo: ¿Qué le dices a Franklin si quieres hablarle pero él está al otro lado del cuarto?  respuesta

These require some study and memorization.  I suggest you make flash cards for these irregular verbs.  I guarantee that these will be on the AP exam!  They always are.

Some common commands you have probably seen or heard- What do they mean?
¡Ten cuidado!
¡Ten paciencia!

*In most spoken Spanish,  "anda" (instead of "ve") is usually used when telling a friend to go somewhere.

Fill-in the sentences below with a verb from the list above that makes sense.  Don't repeat any!


Pronouns and familiar commands
Do you remember what we did with formal commands?  We'll follow the same rules with familiar commands.

Habla + le + Háblale.
Compra + lo = Cómpralo.
Lava + te = Lávate.

No le hables.
No lo compres.
No te laves.

Paquito is doing the wrong thing.  Whatever Paquito is doing, tell him to do the opposite.  If he is not doing something, tell him to do it.  Sentences are in the third person (él), you need to change them to affirmative or negative "tú" commands.


Mandatos para «vosotros»

This section is informational, and you may wish to go through it just to be familiar with the forms, in case you ever see them.  You will probably not be tested on these in AP or SAT II exams, but it's good to see what they are.

No vengáis.  No juguéis.  No durmáis. etc.
¡Comed!  ¡Escribid! ¡Hablad!  ¡Id!

¡Preparadlo! ¡Robadle! etc.

¡Sentaos! ¡Lavaos! etc.

come, bebe la leche, arregla el cuarto, escribe, lee, lava los platos, ayuda, corre, duerme, estudia

No duermas, No juegues con tus vegetales, No veas la tele, No busques caramelos, No vayas por la puerta, No bebas gasolina, No leas revistas malas, No digas mentiras, No luches contra el perro

ven, ten,  sal,  di,  sé,  haz,  ve,  pon

aféitate, no te laves, báñate, no te acuestes, vístete, no te cepilles los dientes, despiértate

¡Ven, Franklin!