quehaceres domésticos
What chores do you have
to do around your house?
Who do you think does
the most chores around your house?
Who does the least?
Are the chores divided
Who in this class does
the most chores?
Look through the following list of activities
and make mental notes of:
If you do this activity, and...
If someone else ever does it also or instead.
*These chores are divided by area, but obviously
they are not limited only to that area.
Note that these are activities, and hence
are verbs. The present tense forms (that you will use to tell
and ask who does the activities) are given for you for reference.
You will also be using the infinitive- the form ending in “AR”, “ER” or
“IR”. |
el dormitorio / la alcoba
arreglar ( to straighten
up) arreglo, arreglas, arregla, arreglamos, arreglan
tender, hacer la cama
(to make the bed) tiendo, tiendes, tiende, tendemos, tienden; hago,
haces, hace, hacemos, hacen
colgar la ropa en el armario
(to hang clothes in the closet ) cuelgo, cuelgas, cuelga, colgamos,
barrer el piso / el suelo
(to sweep the floor) barro, barres, barre, barremos, barren
la sala
recoger los periódicos[los
juguetes, las hojas, etc.] (to pick
up newspapers [toys, sheets of paper, etc.] ) recojo, recoges,
reocge, recogemos, recogen
colocar los libros en el
estante (to place, put the books on
the shelf, in the bookcase ) coloco, colocas, coloca, colocamos,
vaciar el cesto de papeles,
los ceniceros (to empty the wastebaskets,
the ashtrays ) vacío, vacías, vacía,
vaciamos, vacían
pasar la aspiradora(to
vacuum) paso, pasas, pasa, pasamos, pasan
sacudir las alfombras(to
shake the rugs ) sacudo, sacudes, sacude, sacudimos, sacuden
quitar el polvo de los muebles,
la mesa, etc. (to dust the furniture, the
table, etc. ) quito, quitas, quita, quitamos, quitan
el comedor
poner la mesa (to
set the table) pongo, pones, pone, ponemos, ponen
recoger la mesa (to
clear the table) recojo, recoges, recoge, recogemos, recogen
la cocina
lavar, fregar los vegetales,
las frutas , los platos (to wash the
vegetables, the fruits, the dishes ) lavo, lavas, lava, lavamos,
lavan; friego, friegas, friega, fregamos, friegan
pelar las papas [las patatas]
(to peel the potatoes ) pelo, pelas, pela,
pelamos, pelan
cortar el pan
(to cut the bread ) corto, cortas, corta,
cortamos, cortan
limpiar el suelo, el fregadero,
etc. (to clean the floor, the sink,
etc.) limpio, limpias, limpia, limpiamos, limpian
secar los platos
(to dry the dishes ) seco, secas, seca,
secamos, secan
sacar la basura
(to take out the trash ) saco, sacas, saca,
sacamos, sacan
la lavandería
lavar las sábanas,
las ropas (to wash the sheets, the clothes
) lavo, lavas, lava, lavamos, lavan
secar la ropa, los calcetines,
etc. (to dry the clothes, the socks,
etc. ) seco, secas, seca, secamos, secan
planchar las camisas, las
ropas, etc. (to iron the shirts, the
clothes, etc. ) plancho, planchas, plancha, planchamos, planchan
el jardín
plantar las flores, las
plantas , el jardín (to plant
flowers, plants, the garden ) planto, plantas, planta, plantamos,
regar las plantas, etc.
(to water the plants, etc. ) riego, riegas,
riega, regamos, riegan
cortar la hierba / el césped
(to cut the grass / the lawn) corto, cortas,
corta, cortamos, cortan
los animales domésticos
cuidar a los animales
[perros, gatos, caballos, etc.]
(to take care of the animals [dogs, cats, horses, etc.] )
cuido, cuidas, cuida, cuidamos, cuidan
sacar a pasear al
perro, al caballo, etc. (to walk
the dog, the horse, etc. ) saco, sacas, saca, sacamos, sacan
darle(s) de comer al/a los
perro(s), gato(s), caballo(s), peces, etc. (to
feed the dog(s) cat(s), horse(s), fish ) le(s) doy de
comer, le(s) das de comer, le(s) da de comer, le(s) damos de comer, le(s)
dan de comer ***Use "le" if there is one animal, or 'les" if there
are more than one.
You need to be able to talk about the chores
you and other people do around your house. In order to acquire this
knowledge/skill, you must practice. Here is an idea to practice:
Get a piece of paper. Make a list of
all the people in your household who do chores across the top of your paper.
Down the left side of your paper, list all the chores that are regularly
done in your house. Now check off the people who do the chores.
Perhaps you need to establish a point value: 3=
siempre, 2= a veces; 1= raras veces; 0=nunca ??? After
completing the chart, make a graph demonstrating the number of chores each
person does. When completed, analyze the equity of the chore division
in your house. Is it "justa" or not? Explain. |
Now practice composing who does what by answering
these questions- in complete, detailed sentences.:
¿Quién arregla tu cama?
¿Quién lava la ropa?
¿Quién les da de comer a los animales?
¿Quién riega las plantas dentro
de la casa?
¿Quién cuelga la ropa en el armario?
¿Quién prepara la cena?
¿Quién planta las flores?
¿Quién pone la mesa?
¿Quién saca al pasear al perro?
¿Quién saca la basura?
¿Quién barre el piso?
¿Quién corta el césped?
¿Quién lava los platos?
¿Quién recoge los juguetes?
¿Quién recoge la mesa?
¿Quién pasa la aspiradora?
¿Quién cuida a los animales?
¿Quién quita el polvo de los muebles?
¿Quién vacía los cestos?
Now, compose a brief
essay in which you describe the chores you do around the house, and tell
how often you do them. If you do not do many or any chores, explain
why not.
Check out this
page of studyspanish.com to practice this and other housework related