Los alimentos

Please note:  Printing this page would require an enormous amount of paper.  If you need to see something in print, I suggest you copy and paste a selection into a document and then print.  

First, review the list that follows.  If you do not have this list written down somewhere, now would be a good time to copy it.  Of course this list is not complete- that would take forever to create and learn.  It is fairly extensive, however, and you should be able to at least start conversing about your eating habits.

el agua- water; el arroz- rice; la banana- banana; el bistec (biftec) - steak; el bocadillo- sandwich or small snack; el brécol- broccoli; el café- coffee; la calabaza- squash or pumpkin; el caramelo- candy bar; la carne de cerdo- "meat of pig"(pork); la carne de vaca- "meat of cow" (beef); la cebolla - onion; el cereal - cereal; las cerezas- cherries; la cerveza- beer; el coliflor- cauliflower; el dónut- doughnut; los dulces- sweets, candy; la ensalada- salad; los fideos- noodles; los frijoles- (dried) beans; la galleta- cookie, cracker; los guisantes- peas; las habichuelas- green beans; la hamburguesa (con queso)- hamburger (cheeseburger);  el helado- ice cream; los huevos- eggs; el jamón- ham; jugo (el zumo) - juice; el jugo de...(manzana, naranja, etc.) - (apple, orange, etc.) juice; la langosta (del mar) - lobster;  la leche- milk; la lechuga- lettuce; la limonada - lemonade; el maíz- corn; la mantequilla- butter; la mantequilla de cacahuate- peanut butter; la manzana- apple; el melocotón- peach; el melón- melon;  la naranja- orange; el pan- bread; el panecillo- roll; las papas fritas- french fries or chips; la pasta (las pastas)- pasta, noodles; el pastel- pie or cake; la patata (las papas)- potato(es);  el pavo - turkey; el pepino- cucumber; el pescado - fish (for a meal, the live animal is a "pez"); la pimienta - pepper (seasoning); el pimiento - pepper (the vegetable);el plátano - plantain, banana;  el pollo - chicken; el queso- cheese; el refresco (la gaseosa)- soft drink, soda; el rosbif- roast beef; la sal - salt;  la sandía - watermelon; el sándwich- sandwich; la sopa - soup; la tarta- pie, tart; el té - tea; el tocino - bacon; el tomate- tomato; la toronja - grapefruit; la tortilla- tortilla (Learn the difference betweeen an Maerican and a Spanish tortilla.  Tell someone.  Spread the knowledge.); la torta - cake; la tostada- toast; las uvas- grapes; el vino - wine (el vino tinto= red wine, el vino blanco = white wine); el yogur - yogurt; la zanahoria - carrot

Now that you have the list, what can you do with it?  The object is to learn the vocabulary, and the best way to do that is by using it.  So let's get started.

Make flash cards and do some flash card learning/studying activities (as described on the vocabulary index page).

Do the following activities- designed to help you use- and therefore learn- how to talk about the foods you like.

The following lists can be written, or you can categorize them, using flashcards.

Can you identify the following pictures?  See which ones you know.  On a sheet of paper, write the numbers of the ones you do not know or get wrong.  This will help you determine what you still have yet to learn.  Click on the picture to see if you are correct.

Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences:
Talking and writing about your eating habits
First of all, you can use three basic verbs when talking about consumption.  Pay close attention to using the correct form- subject and tense agreement. When communicating, be sure to be as accurate in terms of structure as you can be.  Answer these questions using the correct forms of the verbs above- pay attention to the tense. Now try to answer these the same way, without help: Sometimes you have to just use the infinitive, too.  What do you like to drink with supper?  I like to drink milk. > ¿Qué te gusta beber con la cena?  Me gusta beber la leche.  Practice this by copying the phrases and completing the sentences. Other basic words you should know:

Click on the numbers to hear a question.  Respond to it- speaking is preferable, or you can write your answers.  Practice using the language!

   2    3    4    5    6    7


Picture answers:

1. brécol

2. café

3. pescado

4. gaseosa, refresco

5. zanahorias

6. patata, papa

7. helado

8. vino

9. pavo

10.  huevos

11. fresas

12. maíz

13. habichuelas

14. uvas

15. manzana

16. rosbif

17. naranjas

18. sandía

19.  langosta (del mar)

20. pimientos

21. leche

22. cebolla

23. cereal

24. frijoles

25. hamburguesa con queso

26. jamón

27. jugo de naranja

28. lechuga

29. pollo (frito)

30. queso

31.  té

32. sal y pimienta